The Idaho department of health and welfare child support services provides a service plan where they can track a parent who is not being responsible in terms of child support. It helps those parents who want to provide that support find it easy in terms of compliance. With the online system, you can check the regulation and laws that goes with supporting your children financially. In case of default, the custodial parent can contact the department to help order or push the other parent in offering the support required. It has a reliable platform on which any parent can login, apply and make payment with ease to help provide the best support for their children.
Idaho Child Support Laws | Idaho Rules of Family Law Procedure Rule 126

As a section of the family law, it outlines the guidelines that help resolve child support issues. With both parents in question, the rules and guidelines as contained in the Idaho child support guidelines compare the earnings of both parents and the needs of the children. Be it education, health, and insurance, they are all […]
LawsIdaho Child Support Enforcement

It is the right of every child to get support from their parents. Since divorce and separation are all legal regardless of whether you have children or not, it is normal for spouses to undergo that. If in any case, they have children, child support is inevitable for the parent who does not have custody […]
EnforcementIdaho Child Support Login | Make a Payment

Online child support payment in Idaho is not only easy but convenient for anyone who wants to be responsible. As a parent, you are obligated to provide support to your child regardless of where you are separated or together with your spouse. To pay for support online, you have to register for the service at […]
LoginIdaho Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

The Idaho child support calculator is reliable for any parent who is giving child support. However, you have to reveal all your financial details to be able to determine how much you can afford for child support. Your gross salary and how many children will be receiving child support services will determine how much you […]
CalculatorDepartment of Health and Welfare Child Support Services
Fax: 1(855) 349-2408
Phone: 1(800) 356-9868
Address: Idaho Child Support Receipting Services, P.O. Box 70008, Boise, Idaho 83707-0108