In a relationship that leads to the bearing of children, those children will need the support of both parents. For the case where those parents are no longer living together or married, they should provide support both financially and emotionally. All expenses that relate to the care of that child should be covered by both parents. The department of human services in Tennessee is obligated to make this possible. It provides online tools and resources to parents to help them make payment or calculate for child support.
Tennessee Child Support Laws | Chapter 1240-2-4 DHS Rules

The child support rules as contained in the chapter 1240-2-4 outline how child support should be arrived at in the state of Tennessee. Through the department, a parent can ask the court to follow up on a child support dispute and make the necessary ruling according to the guidelines set. When making such a decision, […]
LawsTennessee Child Support Enforcement

There is a chance that the parent who is supposed to pay for child support is no longer interested or want to live up to that responsibility. Luckily, you can sort legal action on him by filing a complaint or a request for the failure of the other party to pay for child support. Through […]
EnforcementTennessee Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

You will be able to access and download a worksheet which will help you to calculate how much to contribute for child support. The worksheet follows the guidelines and rules as set by the department of human services in Tennessee. Using this formula you will be able to compute on your own the amount you […]
CalculatorTennessee Child Support Login | Make a Payment

A Tennessee parent or guardian can ask for support from the other parent and if they are not complying with the set guidelines, you can take it up with the department of human services. Once you register with the department online, you will be able to check the status of all those orders with ease. […]
LoginDepartment of Human Services (DHS)
Contact Information: Address: CHILD SUPPORT SERVICES TENNESSEE DEPARTMENT OF HUMAN SERVICES NASHVILLE, TN 37243-1403 Phone Number: 800-838-6911