The child support recovery unit of Iowa has an obligation to make sure that the custodial parent receives the right support from the other parent for child support. It offers resources for the non-custodial parent to be able to determine how much they are expected to contribute while following the set guidelines. With the online application services, it makes it easy for the non-custodial parents to live up to their obligation to their children. It outlines the guidelines and laws that support how parents should provide support to their children regardless of whether or not they are living together.
Iowa Child Support Laws | Iowa Code 598.21B

It contains the child support guidelines that help the courts to decide how to the paying parent should contribute for child support and in what amount. For the computation of the same, it outlines the factors that will help to arrive at a figure. In most cases, the custodial parent is the one who is […]
LawsIowa Child Support Enforcement

With the help of the child support recovery unit in Iowa, you can make your case be heard. It helps parents who are not receiving support from the other parent, for child support, to start receiving it. When you find yourself in a situation where, you were receiving that payment but the parent paying it […]
EnforcementIowa Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

The state of Iowa provides parents and guardians with reliable online tools that help them with their child support issues the online calculator is one of those tools. Apparent may not be able to find time to show up at the child support offices. In such a case, they can us the child support website […]
CalculatorIowa Child Support Login | Make a Payment

You can access relevant information online and have your way in terms of payment of child support. It helps you to have control of your payments and know when to pay for support and live up to your responsibility to your children. How to login A parent in Iowa who has just registered an online […]
LoginChild Support Recovery Unit
Address: Collection Services Center, PO Box 9125, Des Moines, IA 50306
Telephone: 1-888-229-9223