In Minnesota, they have made child support services easy for parents who are no longer living together but they have children. With the help of the department of human services child support division, they help such parents to enforce child support orders and make the spirit of child support. Also, guardians are able to utilize their website to access the many resources they need to apply or child support services or file a complaint in the case of failure of the paying parent to pay for support.
Minnesota Child Support Laws |Minnesota Statutes Chapter 518C

The chapter offers a detailed explanation of the role each player plays in child support. It helps to compute for child support by outlining the tools and factors to be considered before a figure can be arrived at. With the guidelines, you will be able to learn how child support payment can be enforced or […]
LawsMinnesota Child Support Enforcement

With help from the department of human services child support division, a guardian or custodial parent can get the help they need. It only requires that they make the first step of applying of child support services. It is the responsibility of every of parent to support their children in every way. with that said, […]
EnforcementMinnesota Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

An online tool that offers a way for parents to compute how much they owe for child support or are to receive is available for Minnesota parents. if you are separated or divorced, you can turn to the child support website in the state and have your way in terms of computing for child support. […]
CalculatorMinnesota Child Support Login | Make a Payment

The online platform provided by the state offers a better way for the paying parents to contribute to child support. It gives an easy to use the formula where parents can log in and make payment without having to visit a child support office. The idea is to equip you with the relevant tools that […]
LoginDepartment of Human Services Child Support Division (CSD)
Contact CSD: Address: Minnesota Department of Human Services Child Support Division P.O. Box 64946 St. Paul, MN 55164-0946 Phone: 800-657-3512