The role of the department of social services of Missouri is to provide reliable child support services to parents who are either divorced or separated so that they can be responsible for their children. In most cases, the parent with the custodial rights is the one who files a case asking for child support or filing a complaint on the same. However, the online portal provided by the state can also be accessed by the paying parent to determine how they are supposed to provide support to their children.
Missouri Child Support Laws | Chapter 454 Missouri Revised Statutes

The child support laws in Missouri provide relevant and set rules on how the judges and child support agencies in the state should handle child support related cases. They provide rulings on different cases that may arise in case of disputes. These rulings offer a solution for the courts to make a decision depending on […]
LawsMissouri Child Support Enforcement

With the help of the department of social services, you can get your child support order enforced. It may be the first time you are asking for this or maybe the paying parent has defaulted payments for child support, whichever the case, you can have your situation looked at and resolved with ease. How to […]
EnforcementMissouri Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

The idea is to estimate how much you will be giving up for child support if you are the paying parent. When it comes to determining how much you will be contributing, you have to consider a few factors. Some of the major ones are the number of children you have, the expenses they incur […]
CalculatorMissouri Child Support Login | Make a Payment

The online access to your child support account helps you to complete different tasks without the need to visit a child support office. Noncustodial parents can know when and how much to pay for child support. Once you log in, you can do anything on the account from making payment to checking the status of […]
LoginDepartment of Social Services (DSS)
Contact Information: Address: Family Support Division PO Box 6790 Jefferson City, MO 65102-6790 Phone: 1-800-859-7999