The Nebraska department of health and human services child support enforcement is nothing short of thorough in making sure that parents live up to their responsibilities and children get the support they need to become responsible citizens. It outlines the roles of the parent who is not living with the children and how much will be enough for each child. Parents can access that information through the website and find out what they need to do to give their children the best care and support. It empowers custodial parents to receive child support from the non-custodial parents.
Nebraska Child Support Laws | NE Court Rule Chapter 4, Article 2

The Nebraska Court Rule Chapter 4 outlines the details of how to go about computing for child support. Assuming that the parents are either separated or divorced, they should take up the responsibilities for their children. This chapter holds the guidelines and laws that help the court and child support department in Nebraska make a […]
LawsNebraska Child Support Enforcement

Children need monthly or weekly financial support from the parent who is not living with them due to divorce or separation. If such support is no longer available and there is no reasonable cause of such default in payment, you should act accordingly. As a parent in Nebraska, you can seek this help from child […]
EnforcementNebraska Child Support Calculator | Guidelines

The idea is to know how much you have to contribute without having to show up personally to the child support offices. The Nebraska child support calculator makes it for you to access such information online. You will be able to compute how much you need to contribute based on your financial status. For example, […]
CalculatorNebraska Child Support Login | Make a Payment

The Nebraska child support services can help you to manage your account online with ease. If you have a login account, you can make payment and check the status of your account. The entire process offers an easy to access platform where you can login regardless of where you are. How to login When you […]
LoginDepartment of Health and Human Services Child Support Enforcement (CSE)
Address: P.O. Box 94728 Lincoln, NE 68509-4728
Phone: (402) 441-8715
Toll Free: 1-877-631-9973